Portland Oregon Home Inspection Cost
Prices below are estimates. Prices are based on several factors, some being age and location.
Exact pricing must be done over the phone!
Prices below are based on homes 20 years old or newer.
We accept Cash, Money order, Checks, PayPal, and all major credit cards..

True Condo (stacked units)
Up to – 999 sq.ft $375
1,000 – 1,499 sq.ft $400
1,500 – 2,000 sq.ft $425
Detached single family home
Up to 1,499 sq.ft. $425
1,500 – 1,999 sq.ft $450
2,000 – 2,499 sq.ft $475
2,500 – 2,999 sq.ft $525
3,000 – 3,499 sq.ft $550
3,500 – 3,999 sq.ft $575
*larger homes need to be priced individually!
Multi-family home
Building up to 999 sq.ft $425
1,500 – 1,999 sq.ft $450
2,000 – 2,499 sq.ft $550
2,500 – 3,000 sq.ft $600
Each Unit $175
Investment Property Inspection
4 point property inspection with maintenance report Please Call
*Automatic inspections set annually, quarterly or at turn over available
**Note: New house and structure discounts available**
Discounts available for combining Mold and Home Inspections
Discounts available for combining Home or Mold Inspection with Radon
Radon Inspection w/ Home Inspection $150
Sewer Scope w/ Home Inspection $150
w/o Home Inspection $175
Septic Pumping $695
Oil Tank Search within 30 miles of downtown Portland $195
Mold Inspection
Residential $320
Includes inspection, reports, and (2) mold tests (1 control, 1 inside)
Commercial (Isolated Area) $320
Includes inspection, reports, and (2) mold tests (1 control, 1 inside)
Commercial (Entire Building) $620
Includes inspection, reports, and (2) mold tests (1 control, 1 inside)
Each additional sample $100
Inspector does a visual inspection of the property, this includes areas of concern and general areas that typically have mold growth.
*We Guarantee 24 Hour Reports!*
Call Top Notch Home Inspection LLC Today!! 503.657.4257
OCHI # 1537 CCB # 202299