Get Your Home Energy Score from a Licensed Home Energy Assessor!
The Portland Home Energy Score helps consumers know what to expect from their utility bills when buying or renting a home.
A Home Energy Score will be required for all Portland, Oregon homes listed for sale in 2018 sign up to get yours now. Top Notch has assessed tons of home in both Oregon and Washington since 1997. With over 20 years experience you can count on our authorized, Portland home energy score provider to provide exactly what you need where a reliable Portland home energy score is concerned. Use Top Notch Home Inspections as your home energy score assessor and get and honest and true evaluation.
For sellers, here is a link to a website that explains the necessary actions for completing the requirement and answers questions about logistics, how to get a home assessed and how to improve scores. Buyers are guided through the Home Energy Report and are prompted to wrap energy improvement projects into financing. Real-estate professionals can learn how to make the new policy work effortlessly for their clients and how to post scores online. Builders can find information about how to obtain a score based on construction plans and possible exemptions and waivers. The home energy score website is also a place to find out how to become a Home Energy Assessor. Only a licensed Portland home energy score assessor can provide you with a home energy score assessment. You can find our official listing as a qualified Portland home energy score assessor here.
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Similar to a car’s miles-per-gallon rating, the Home Energy Score provides homeowners with valuable information about their home’s energy performance, while also recommending improvement projects that can save energy and lower utility bills. When incorporated into real estate transactions, a Home Energy Score allows prospective home buyers to better understand the true cost of owning a particular home, allowing them to compare the expected energy costs of different homes and affording them a measure of protection when making one of the biggest financial investments of their life.
Portland is the second city to approve a local ordinance requiring homes to be scored at time of sale, joining Berkeley, California, which passed its Building Energy Saving Ordinance back in 2015. Unlike Berkeley’s ordinance, which provides a buffer of up to 12 months after sale to get the home scored, Portland’s Home Energy Score policy requires all sellers to obtain a home energy performance report—which includes a Home Energy Score—prior to listing. Sellers must include the Score and the accompanying report in any real estate listings, and must also provide a copy of the home energy performance report to prospective buyers who visit the home while it is on the market. The policy becomes effective January 1, 2018.
If you have a question about your home, or would like to schedule your Portland home energy score assessment, call us at (503) 657-4257 or fill out the form below.
Schedule Your Portland Home Energy Score Now…